Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Great Migration History Lesson

Tuesday and Wednesday, December 16-17th, 2014
In small groups:

The Question: How are the following things connected? 
  1. 13, 14, 15th Amendments (Civil War Amendments)
  2. Sharecropping
  3. Jim Crow Laws
  4. Ku Klux Klan
  5. Poll Taxes
  6. Literacy Clause
  7. Grandfather Clause
  8. "de facto" segregation
  9. 24th Amendment

The Assignment: Create a visual that connects the above historical events. 

Suggested Process:
  1. Divide events/concepts up between group members.
  2. Research and gain an understanding of each one.
  3. Share out what you learned.
  4. Discuss connections among them.
  5. Write a statement that answers the essential question.
  6. Brainstorm a blueprint of your visual.
  7. Create a visual.
You have 2 days to complete this process, so plan your time wisely. 

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